Ashes Deconstruction Group
The Evangelical Church has become one of the most self-righteous, condemning cliques of modern society.
This dysfunctional system has created so much harm that the deconstructionist movement has increased in strength and numbers faster than ever. Deconstructionism can be a black hole of tearing everything apart. If left unchecked, it removes all faith, strength, and confidence; and leaves you only asking questions. It’s a negative aim, it’s reactionary and cannot build.
As we turn a critical eye to the state of what we call “church” today, it’s not enough to address the system or structure. These systems and structures came from beliefs. If we’re going to correct the errors, we need to address the ideology.
We’re going to tackle the art of deconstructing but for the purpose of identifying and acknowledging toxic theology, abusive behavior, and harmful practices that leave bodies in our wake.
In this mentorship group, Mika Perrin will guide you in the conversation. She’ll teach and facilitate dialogue to undo many of the damaging beliefs instilled by our theological upbringings.
This group is Numa's version of deconstruction. We’re not interested in tearing everything apart for the sake of tearing things apart. This group is focused on addressing harmful orthopraxy (your theology lived out) and bringing critical thinking to why we believe what we believe. We will address the colonization in Christianity, the Greco-Roman narrative in our interpretation of scripture, biblical literalism, and our relationship with the Bible.
If you just want to tear the church apart, this group is not for you. If you want to defend the state of the church right now, this group is not for you. But if you know the spirit of God is doing something different than what the Evangelical Church is accomplishing in the world today, if you're troubled by some of the rhetoric, attitudes, and practices of traditional systematic theology, if you feel a tugging that there has to be more, this group is for you.
The goal is not to tear down Christianity or throw it away. The goal is to hold Christianity accountable and to remove the assertions of systematic theology that force us to violate our consciences and treat people in ways that are dehumanizing and exclusive rather than bringing the redemptive ministry of reconciliation to the world.
This is a paid group that meets live weekly.